Women’s role in the formation and development of new education for girls in Iran: The case study, miss Astarabadi

Document Type : Original Article



One of the problems in recent years is the major and important role of Iranian women. Today, Iranian women have assumed major roles in the diffrent fields such as political, cultural, social and economic. One of the important factors that being considered about advancement of women in society is education and training facilities. In the past, Iranian women due to very limitations haven’t such facilities and naturally played very little role in various matters, that the reason is equitable distribution of educational opportunities between men and women. Perhaps, the first and fundamental act to improve the conditions for women is in qajar period. In this period, people and especially many women have many attempts to achieve the desired role and position of women as a useful people for society. Since the education and literacy is one of the necessary conditions to accomplish this point, the focus was in education of Iranian women and girls. Miss Astarabadi is one of the warrior women that take big steps in the establishment women’s rights. She played an important role in the equitable distribution of educational opportunities between men and women before and after Constitutional revolution. This topic provided wider opportunities for women. In below, we try to express the overall outlook about background and status of women in Iran with emphasis on education and then examine important factors in this process.


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