The impact of oil revenues on the Iranian defense strategy in Pahlavi

Document Type : Original Article



Pahlavi period from different perspectives is mixed with militarism and military systems. Primarily dominance in this series on the land's military posturing and military affairs always different approaches have also been involved and had the rule of preference.
Shah Qajar dynasty founder of a military coup petition attack wrapped in another military coup, as well as to learn that it can be passed on the throne to his son Reza Khan Sardar Sepah after coming to power. We can conclude that development, equipping, updating equipment; military forces have always had a strong presence in the minds of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
But no one cannot ignore the central role of increased oil revenues or denied, Iran's military appears to be more advanced every day and all day on a long list of equipment were added. All this on the one hand and the growing relations between Iran and the United States of America that would have the manpower training to the Iranian war machine into the Mighty contain.
However, this question can be devised which is basically the sudden increase in oil revenues has had a role in the development of weapons and military equipment to Iran how can be found to the depth of these influences?
Yes, the individual structure with the increase in revenues from oil sales monarchy Iran Iranian military has suddenly become the most advanced war machine that contain Besides advanced weapons, military officers trained. Experienced also held. The structure of the court's decision under the constant control of the king were now in possession of financial resources to carry Sahtn drawings that somehow the years had not so far been achieved.


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