The Cultivation Of Tea In The Caspian Provinces Of Persia

Document Type : Translation


Zanjan University


In the spring of 1901 Mohammad Mirza Kashif Al-Saltaneh established the first tea garden in the village of Sheikhanvar in Lahijan. Regarding his activity for tea cultivation and basically the reason for trying to cultivate this product in Iran instead of relying on imports (due to the fact that this plant is alien and non-native) no comprehensive research has been done and most researchers focus more on expanding tea consumption in the society of Iran. Although Kashif al-Saltaneh did not succeed much in the development of tea cultivation. In this context, reasons are mentioned which are mostly unsubstantiated including people in Gilan who refused to cooperate with him and tried to prevent the development of tea cultivation, or the British government, which saw its interests in danger with tea cultivation in Iran prevented him through its agents.
This article, which is the result of an Englishman's visit to the northern regions clearly negates these views. The date of his visit to Gilan was about 10 years after the construction of Iran's first tea garden. He left for this trip while he intended to visit the tea plantations in Georgia and was unaware of tea cultivation in Iran. In his writing, he has provided interesting information about the geographical features and climate of the northern provinces and the state of tea cultivation before the start of World War I in which one can understand some reasons for the lack of expansion of tea cultivation in this period.
