In the present article Sancisi-Weerdenburg attempts to paint a picture of Xerxes’ mental character and his personality according to the Greek sources especially the Histories of Herodotus, Achaemenid inscriptions and depictions, and more importantly, critique the merits of every group of sources for writing the history of Achaemenids. Her main question is whether Xerxes’ portrait and character in Classical sources and modern research agree with reality or are rooted in helleno-centric bias that has been embodied in history books generation after generation without being historically criticized. Moreover, she concentrates on the correct evaluation of Achaemenid inscriptions and the fact that they are the results of oral and written literary traditions and not the personal independent qualities of kings. Her method is examining and criticizes Greek sources, Achaemenid inscriptions, and depictions to present a new perspective on the subject. In this regard, Sancisi-Weerdenburg finally concludes: firstly, many of the questions that scholars have raised, and naturally their answers are the results of helleno-centric bias. Secondly, in examining the sources, we should take two elements into consideration before deducing about a person or an era: tradition and innovation. Thirdly, the personality of Xerxes more than reflecting a deep difference in his morals and religious policies compared to previous kings indicates the continuation of the same traditions and principles, particularly the traditions of Darius’s reign. Fourthly, issues like Xerxes’ irascible temper or his being a womanizer are not based on solid and repetitious evidence. Hence his period can even be considered the climax.