Regulations of public primary and secondary schools for boys and girls.

Document Type : Original Article


history department-literature and human science faculty-Tehran university.


In the Qajar era, Iranian society entered a new phase of the transformation of the socio-political structure that differed significantly from the earlier era. Considering the importance of education which plays a major role in cultural transmission from one generation to the next. It is necessary to study the cultural heritage of the country in order to make it more productive. Science and technology, education, culture and common civilization are essential to the construction of a progressive society, and none of these phenomena can arise on their own without the help of each other, and each is built and complemented by each other. Since education has a direct relationship with the individual and social life of people, it must be found in their real and practical life. In fact, education is also a vital philosophy. Even religion, literature, and philosophy in the sense have this purpose and purpose to enrich one's individual and social life. Preserving the development and evaluation of cultural heritage is effective in the development and development of the country's education. Therefore, the study of education in ancient Iran can be a good guide to getting to know the way of education in the country from the past to the present.
