Achaemenid cultural heritage in the South Caucasus, with citing to the written texts

Document Type : Original Article



As the strategic Caucasus region between the Caspian and Black 2 in every period of history has its own particular cultural and political status and tribes, religions and nationalities to be seen. We are not  facing a powerful state in the region during the Achaemenid king, but Predominantly small with political affiliation to the neighboring powers, As of today it is. The effects of cultural expression as a result of excavation works of art and architecture in the three major countries of the Caucasus namely Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. Among the findings of the Achaemenids in the region, Armenia Erebuni sites, Gumbet Georgia and the Surrey Hills of Azerbaijan which includes the architecture, objects arts and ceramic.These findings are similar to the works of great artistic and technical similarities in iran, State institutions, particularly the Achaemenid Persepolis, Susa and Pasargadae archaeological evidence in this study has been collected and are being analyzed. Works earthenware obtained from the WebSites the Hakhamnish in Caucasus also to In terms dating interval standing temporal century, 6-4 BC. The CE make that affect that in case more researches in this field more aspects from cultural presence The Achaemenids in Caucasus will become clear.


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